Darjeeling was not a Nepalese territory. Before 1947, that district was much smaller than what it is today; British used to use that only for their sanitariums and tea gardens. There were not Nepalese much, but only Bhutias and Lepchas and some Tibetans. Nepalese came after Nehru made another blunder to sign Indo-Nepal Treaty of 1950. Nepalese came after that in millions, particularly when in 1980s Nehru’s grandson Rajeev Gandhi made another blunder to create Darjeeling autonomous area, giving total control of the hills to the Nepalese. All retired Nepalese soldiers were allowed to settle down in Darjeeling. Now Nepalese do not allow other non-Nepalese to live in Darjeeling District and they are now expanding their new Nepal within India by demanding the whole of North Bengal. It is really a scandal that CPI (M) chief minister does not know administration; he is not taking action against these Nepalese, but allows them to create a total lawlessness situation in the North Bengal.
Prachanda wants to change the Indo-Nepal Treaty of 1950. Excellent. It has to start with the issue of the people. Nepalese who cannot prove that their ancestors used to live in India before 1950 must get Nepalese passports? That includes every part of India, Sikkim Darjeeling, Kumaun, and North Bihar etc. In that case there will be very few Indian Nepalese in Darjeeling. Most of the Nepalese in West Bengal, Sikkim are foreigners, i.e., those who came after 1950. They are not Indian by any means. Nepalese or gorkhas from Nepal cannot be claimed as Indian because Nepal is a separate country. Example is there. Yes, Pawan Chamling is a Nepalese but not an Indian, his ancestors came from Nepal. Baichung Bhutia is very proud to be a Bhutanese, he has never claimed that he is an Indian. Nepalese coming from Nepal has no claim at all; they are foreigners. So Nepalese/gurkhas cannot demand a separate state within India for the Nepalese/gurkhas communities. Maoism is much more dangerous than anything, as they believe in mindless violence, which has destroyed Nepal. That is the reason all Nepalese/gurkhas are coming to India. India should follow Bhutan and expel all Nepalese/gurkhas from India and cancel this defunct Indo-Nepal treaty of 1950. This is not racism, but a question of citizenship.So in view of the above foreign Nepalese cannot claim themselves as Indian.
1 comment:
Many Bangladeshi nationals immigrated to India after the 1972 war. But all of them were welcomed with open arms by our present Bengal Govt. and granted Indian citizenship. If that's what you call humanity then what would you say about the hundreds of Bangladeshi nationals still entering India on daily basis?? there's no war like situation over there now and neither does India share any treaty with Bangladesh, as it does with Nepal. The on what basis are these illegal Bangladeshis being granted citizenship right by the present govt.?? The review of electoral rolls of the border area of Bengal showed hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi names on it. The huge increase in the percentage of Muslim population in the bordering districts of Bengal(Particularly North Dinajpur ,Maldah,Murshidabaad,Nadia) and districts like Purnea of Bihar is being contributed to unchecked illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Why isn't anything being done about these people who are not only a foreigner by birth, but also foreigner by law?? At least the Nepalese have got legal recognition in the eyes of the laws of India. Why isn't a hue and cry being raised against these foreigners who are also foreigners in the eyes of the law as well?? For votes, is it??
Nagaland, Mizoram, Goa and Daman and Diu... were all inducted into the Indian Union much after 1950. Then by logic, they were also foreigners before the respective Acts made these people a part of the Indian family and made gave them citizenship rights. That, I believe, according to you isn't something that shouldn't have had been done is it?? Coz till those regions became a part of India, the people living there were as much foreigners as Nepalese. Then was there any requirement for giving them Indian citizenship?? Specially when these sovereign states were too small to bother or contribute to India's economy in a big way!! India's interests in Nepal... both economic and strategic are much more and hence the special privilege granted to the people over there. Had China pre-empt such a friendship treaty...
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